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Alicia Cost, MS, RDN, LDN

The 4 P's

Preparation Promotes Positive Performance!

An unofficial bucket list helps me stay positive and moving forward with a fulfilling life!

Last month we finally received word that our hiking permit for the Grand Canyon’s Rim to Rim was approved. It was our 3rd try in obtaining the elusive 4 day hiking permit through the National Park Service, so we were very excited to receive the news. We will complete 23.9 miles of trails with almost 8,000 feet twice in elevation change during this epic hike in the Grand Canyon.

The path we will be on!

“Can’t wait!” was our initial thought, but then it set in. We had only 90 days to prepare! YIKES!!!! (Actually, we used something besides “Yikes”, but I am trying to be “G-rated” here)

Why do we want to do this? The Grand Canyon is simply one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Growing up I never once thought about visiting there. All it took was a chance road trip there in 2007 and I was hooked.

The white dotted line is the trail we will be taking Rim2Rim!

I have spent the last 12 years dreaming of hiking Rim2Rim because it is one of most magnificent and special places naturally made on this Earth. Think about this: Only one percent of visitors walk on a trail into the canyon itself and an infinitesimal amount actually traverse from one rim to another by foot. To be among that group will be an honor and a welcome addition to my memories of adventuring. I think I can speak for our group…..Excitement is an understatement!

That being said, we don’t simply want to “survive” the hike. We truly want to enjoy this BUCKET LIST worthy trip together. Thankfully, we all are basically physically fit with a little extra mileage to add in our hiking boots beforehand! AND we have the luxury of doing the hike over the multiple days instead of one day and can rest after 7-8 miles per day each night. So, our primary focus for Rim2Rim enjoyment will be to consume foods that will provide the best nutritionally to promote our physical and mental stamina.

Guideline 1

I am going to provide general guidelines because each our bodies have different calorie needs on top of varied reactions to food and exercise. However, the basic rule of thumb is to optimally fuel and hydrate your body.

Guideline 1 to the left is what is needed a few days before hiking any long distance where the exercise will require the body to burn carbohydrate and fat (and perhaps a little protein) for fuel during hiking. The larger nutrient portion will be carbs because the body will "bonk" out when it runs out of carbohydrates and will become shaky and unreliable. The focus therefore has to be largely on keeping the body supplied with enough carbohydrate to keep going. Getting the right mix of carbs & protein beforehand will optimize performance to build on during the hike.

Guideline 2

Actually, keeping the right mix of nutrients like carbs, fat and protein all through the hike will continue to be important, so check out Guideline 2. Our bodies only process about 200-300 calories per hour, therefore emphasis will be to eat throughout the day while on the move or for short rests. This is a best practice as opposed to eating a lot at once. It will also improve digestion by keeping what you eat at one time smaller. Ideas during the hike food items are trailmix, protein bars, chips and hummus, any type of sandwich, and fruit (fresh or dried).

Keeping properly hydrated can't be stressed enough, especially when hiking in the Grand Canyon. There is a section of the Rim2Rim hike call "The Box". It is the 7 mile (11.3 km) stretch of the North Kaibab trail between Cottonwood Camp and Phantom Ranch. It is also the longest leg without drinking water, so leaving the north rim with your camel-back full is important. In addition, the bottom of the canyon tends to have temperature increases of 10-20 degrees above what is experienced at the canyon rim. A good idea would be to include some fluids that also have electrolytes in them (sports drinks) as the hike will most likely produce sweating and electrolyte loss.

Repeating Guideline 2 for a few days will surely lead to a wonderfully amazing Rim2Rim, however true Rim2Rim success does not stop with the first step on the south rim.

Guideline 3

Guideline 3 is a period of time called the "Window of Opportunity". Recovering during this time period properly is just as important as all the rest of the hike training, unless one enjoys enduring muscle cramps, extreme exhaustion and brain fog! SO don't traipse over to the bar at El Tovar on the South Rim for your favorite celebratory adult beverage before completing Guideline 3! If you can follow these last steps one will be able to replenish their energy stores, increase muscle quality and promote muscle repair any caused by the completed extreme nature of the 23.9 mile hike!

Once again....can you tell I am excited for this amazing trek? You can bet I will be working hard these next 60 days to prepare! Look on my facebook and instagram pages for updates! I will do my best to post pictures before and after the hike too!

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