#NNM #dietitianapproved #healthyflorida #healthylifestyle #hydrate #nationalnutritionmonth #VeroBeach #eattolivenotlivetoeat
Today I am feeling a little title creative in order to catch your attention. Perhaps it is because I recently visited Disney World for the first time in a long time and I feel inspired! I love their fairy tale message, the silly songs that stick in your mind for days and in my mind catching that happiness glow. In addition, Disney equals WALKING (lots and lots of steps) and to boot its mostly outside in FLORIDA!!! The combination of outdoor + activity does require often quenching your thirst. So today, all of the above inspires me to share with you how to be Happily Ever Hydrated!
I mean after all; water is essential for life. From the time that primeval species ventured from the oceans to live on land, a major key to survival has been prevention of dehydration. Just because we are the "highly intelligent humans" doesn’t mean we have less of a need to maintain proper hydration. Without water, we could only survive for days. This is because water comprises about 60% of our body weight and is essential for an internal functions and chemical balance in our bodies. Unlike fairy tales, hydration can’t occur by wishing on a star. For individuals to maintain that Happily, Ever Hydrated status, they must apply facts, tips and human habits. There is no magic involved!
Why do you need to keep hydrated:
Drinking fluids is crucial to staying healthy and maintaining the function of every system in your body. Each body system has its reasons and I have broken it down below:
Heart: When you are dehydrated the amount of blood circulating through your body, decreases. To compensate, your heart beats faster, increasing your heart rate and your blood pressure. Also, when dehydrated, the blood retains more sodium, thickening the blood and making it harder for the blood to circulate through the body.
Brain: Lack of water can influence cognition and can even produce disruption in mood and concentration, alertness and short-term memory.
Muscles: Dehydration can cause physical fatigue. This can include feeling soreness or stiffness in the muscles during exercise, simply overall tiredness and slowed blood circulation due to dehydration can make muscles contract, which causes discomfort.
In addition, fluids carry nutrients to your cells, flush bacteria from your bladder, and prevent constipation. Water or Fluid balance is necessary for the body to function at its best.
How to keep hydrated:
1. Make water part of your daily routine. Prioritize your water intake at key times of the day that you can typically control, such as drinking a glass when you wake up, drinking it with a meal and after workouts. Make it part of your personal wellness goals.
2. Ingest water through alternative substances. Eating fruits and vegetables that are made with a high portion of water can increase your hydration levels
3. Keep track of your water intake. Today’s technology puts valuable health tools in the palms of our hands. Some water bottles have Bluetooth connectivity that remind you when you’re not drinking enough. If nothing else, you can always purchase a water bottle that holds as much water as you need daily so you can track your progress from sunup to sundown.
4. Monitor your body for signs of dehydration. Pay attention to your urine color, keeping an eye out for dark coloring. If you find yourself becoming confused, irritable, or fatigued easily, you may need water.
Happily Ever Hydrated Goals:
The standard rule of thumb is 8 x 8, which means to drink 8 oz of fluid 8 times per day. It is an easy way to remember, but it is not personalized.
Much of what is needed depends on personal activity, body size, age, environment and overall health. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is:
About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men
About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women
Lastly, it doesn’t have to be all water! Milk, Nut Milks, Seltzer, Fruited Water, and fruits and vegetables that are mostly made up of water (cucumber, watermelon, oranges, celery) are great alternatives to help you get to your hydration goal. Take it light on the coffee, tea, fruit juices and sports drinks. They too can add to the overall amount of liquid per day, but in moderation because they are either higher in calories per serving or have caffeine in them.
In the end, Happily Ever Hydrated is easy and fun when you have a plan! Just like when you go to Disney!!! If you feel like you would like more assistance on making the switch to Happily Ever Hydrated (and Healthy too), contact your friendly registered dietitian…the Real.Deal. (R.D.), Cost Effective RD
written by Alicia Cost, MS, RDN, LDN